Stop worrying about your computers and network security. Let the Pro's at RooneyIT Services handle everything.
With over 20 years experience you will get the support and protection your small business deserves.
Managed Services

Our plan includes hardware support and installation, software applications support, network monitoring and consulting, security planning, on-site labor support, remote administration and server management, and help desk support. We provide a full-system check of everything from disk health and space, server backups, and antivirus definitions to exchange e-mail integrity and hardware performance.
Using gives you the ability to avoid expensive repairs and recovery costs through faster performance, fewer glitches, and minimal downtime. Our after-hours support is available from 7:00am to 10:00pm, 7 days a week. We keep your system running smoothly in the background – where you won’t even notice. Our monthly reports keep you up-to-date using plain speech, and we contact you as soon as a problem is found to authorize repairs. With no trip fees and prompt response to your problems, you can budget more efficiently and have peace of mind, all for one low flat monthly fee.
Technology Consulting

Online Backup

Did you know...
87% of companies that lose access to their corporate data for more than 7 days go out of business within a year
80% of companies that suffer a major disaster and don't have any form of contingency planning go into liquidation within 18 months
30% of all businesses that have a major fire go out of business within a year. 70% percent fail within five years.
At Rooney IT Services, we provide data backup solutions for every kind of business, ensuring immediate access to your data in the event of an emergency. Our state-of-the-art off-site storage facilities offer security and peace of mind whenever disaster strikes. We can also design a cloud-based strategy for storing your data on the Internet.
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Security Software

A virus is a small program designed to contaminate your computer and cause errors, computer crashes, and even destroy your hardware. A virus can grow and replicate itself. It can also travel from one computer to another via an internet connection. Malware is software that has been developed with the intention of causing problems to your computer. Spyware is a type of malware program that invades your computer and spies on you, collecting information (from bank account details to web browsing practices) that is usually sold to others. Adware is another form of malware and is precisely as the name suggests: software with advertising. Adware can be downloaded and sometimes included in free programs. Although some programs give the option not to install the extra adware, others seem to sneak it in without permission.
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